Program News & Events

Recent Program News

Baye Herald: So Much More Than a Tap Dancer!

It’s no surprise that TCID Principal Instructor Baye Herald won a CU System award for creating Technical Communication Across the Professions, an Open Educational Resource (OER) textbook. She’s been innovating her entire career. In fact, the award is the capstone for many years of work helping people at UCCS become excellent teachers. 

Recent Program News

Baye Herald Head Shot
It’s no surprise that TCID Principal Instructor Baye Herald won a CU System award for creating Technical Communication Across the Professions, an Open Educational Resource (OER) textbook. She’s been innovating her entire career. In fact, the award is the capstone for many years of work helping people at UCCS become excellent teachers.
Cheryl Birkelo Landscape

From a rural farm girl to first generation college student to international traveler to 17 years at UCCS, Cheryl Birkelo has been an inspiration not just for students but for colleagues as well. She has left a lasting mark on UCCS, the TCID program and the many students she’s helped over the years. To honor this legacy, TCID has established the Cheryl Birkelo Founder’s Scholarship.


As technical and scientific communication programs are growing in academia, the TCID program at UCCS--one of a handful of stand-alone technical communication departments in the United States--is helping lead the charge.